We develop the platforms that enable your business to reach its full potential

Over 15 years in the making, and continuously refined and reoptimized to keep our industry moving forward. Our solutions leverage the Internet of Things to save our partners time and money while enabling them to work smarter. Customizable to each business’ unique requirements, our solutions can be implemented to perform as a comprehensive telematics platform, integrate seamlessly with existing systems or available individually as standalone solutions
– whatever your fleet requires.

Saucon Intelligent IoT Gateway

Woven into our DNA is the creative passion and technical knowhow to leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) for the operational benefit of our clients.

To this end, we continuously explore strategic opportunities that improve operations through the use of IoT technology. Our ability to develop solutions that allow our clients to monitor, update and make changes remotely creates increased operating efficiencies that have a significant impact on ROI.

Our innovations in connected diagnostics provide laser-focused insights into vehicle health, enabling our clients to

make time-critical decisions that avoid unnecessary expenses and keep vehicles on the road. When fault codes are generated, they are automatically transmitted, analyzed and relayed in an easy-to-understand summary report. Clients can take action to avoid progressive damage and reduce expensive equipment recovery charges.

We love new challenges and the thrill of solving the “unsolvable”. In many situations, we turn a client issue into an idea and cultivate it into a measurable solution. Whether you have an inquiry, idea or are just “kicking tires” contact us to discuss how we can move your business into the future.

Automatic Vehicle Location Systems (AVL)


Know the whereabouts of every vehicle in your fleet at a glance. The Saucon TDS solution supports a variety of GPS capabilities including graphical mapping, vehicle tracking, scheduling, arrival forecasting and full operational reporting.

The map automatically refreshes and displays all active vehicles, vehicle speed, location, and date and time of last report. The system is fully integrated for interface with Google Earth and all associated functionality.

The map provides the ability to define geo-zone fencing definitions to identify specific stops, zones or locations as needed. Using these definitions with the embedded route-drawing functionality provides the ability to clearly define all routes, stops and specific locations of interest.

The system also provides numerous services, feeds and analytics that customers can access through a secure web-based portal. The system enables users to easily define business rules, monitor vehicle performance and report deviations (alerts and alarms) wirelessly.

We provide the ability to conduct remote vehicle diagnostics for engine performance, speed, route compliance, hard stops, excess idling and erratic driving. When combined with the Saucon on-board video system, you can receive an alert when the vehicle is off its planned route and do a live look-in on the bus and driver, and immediately take-action.

Realtime Scheduling, Dispatch & Forecasting


Our technologies have turned scheduling, dispatching and forecasting into pure science. The system’s realtime resource tracking module coordinates with mapping tools to develop a clear picture of the past-present-future activity of every vehicle in the fleet, simplifying operations.

The TDS portal provides a tabbed interface view into the various menu options available. Asset monitoring provides an immediate listing of all vehicles in realtime. The vehicle information displays where the vehicle is presently located, the general status of the vehicle (moving, stopped, etc.), the last time the vehicle reported, the specific address where the vehicle is traveling or parked, as well as the number of stops and system alert messages that should be monitored. It’s become an indispensable tool for anyone keeping a close eye on fleet activity.

Features and benefits:
  • Ability to define routes, stops, geo-zones and schedules
  • Configuration for arrival and departure times for all stops
  • Single dispatch management dashboard
  • Alerts for early or late arrivals and departures
  • On-time performance monitoring and reporting
  • Forecasting analysis for predictive arrivals
  • Graphical map view of schedule performance
  • Charter reservation management
  • Summary and detailed trip reporting

Realtime Notifications


Stay informed of key events in realtime. Utilizing a web-based interface, vehicles are tracked and monitored wirelessly, and the system can be configured to issue alerts in the event of speeding, scheduling issues, mechanical issues and more.

Alerts can be sent in a variety of formats including:
  • TDS monitors:
    Shows alerts on an automatically refreshing page within the Saucon TDS portal. Specific emergency-level alerts such as panic button activation can also play an audible sound when triggered.

  • Alert log:
    Shows a report of all alerts triggered. Portal users can open each alert and make comments, resolve or close alerts.

  • Text/email notifications:
    When an alert is triggered, the system can automatically send a text or email message with the relevant information including asset, timestamp, alert type and location.

  • Driver notifications:
    The system can automatically send notifications directly to the onboard display device for any alert including excessive idling, key on – engine not running, engine diagnostics, speeding alerts, off-route warning and failure to complete DVIR pre/post trip information.

Of course, standard functionality of the Saucon TDS solution also includes integration with engine telemetry information and diagnostic codes, giving you the ability to identify potential engine or vehicle issues before they happen. This helps reduce maintenance costs significantly. The direct engine details can be obtained for engine miles, fuel consumption, hours of operation and even idling hours.

Onboard Video & Security Systems


For greater passenger, driver and administrative peace of mind. Our onboard video and security system is fully adaptable and configurable to your unique needs. The simple existence of strategically located video surveillance units within the cab can dramatically increase passenger safety, prevent disorderly conduct, deter potential vandalism and enforce good driving practices.

Safety managers can also use the video for driver training and driver observation reports. With a video system installed, drivers know they have a witness on board to support them, reducing stress and increasing overall performance.

Implementing an onboard video and security system also helps mitigate risk. Internal and external video can easily be reviewed and marked. When the stored video is combined with the vehicle log, you get a more complete story of the incident and having this data readily available can have a dramatic impact on your financial exposure. Thanks to our advanced onboard video and security systems, today we are seeing fewer claims being initiated.

Features and benefits:
  • Multiple number of internal or external camera configurations
  • High Definition (HD) recording and playback
  • Tremendous impact to help mitigate risk
  • Depending on the camera configuration, the onboard video storage capacity can hold up to 1000 hours of recorded video data
  • Video viewing options for realtime or stored video segments
  • Alerts and notifications for equipment operation
  • Automatic notifications for blocked cameras
  • Video search capability and controls by date, time and duration
  • Functionality for requesting specific video segments

Cameras are designed to interface directly with Google Maps & GPS for vehicle location, and can be programmed to integrate with specific events and alerts.

Electronic Driver Logs


The Saucon TDS solution is designed to provide reporting of driver activity utilizing GPS data, and is integrated with the engine data transmitted from the Saucon RTS device. This functionality allows configurable business rules to electronically record Hours of Service (HOS) for all drivers. To ensure ongoing compliance with FMCSA regulatory requirements, the system provides remote software updates for easy implementation of any necessary regulatory changes.

Regulatory Compliance:
  • AOBRD compliant
  • Registered as ELD compliant prior to the compliance date of December 16, 2017
  • Compliant with both FMCSA Passenger and Property Carrying regulations in the United States
  • Supports specific state regulations such as California - Non-School Passenger and SPAB - California School Passenger  
  • Also supports the Canada South 60 degrees and Canada North 60 degrees regulations

The system can also be configured to provide audible alarms when a driver is approaching their HOS limit or happens to go over the HOS limit.

The driver log data is stored directly on the Saucon device to ensure that the driver has the most current full Record of Duty status available roadside. The driver can present the required 8 days (US) or 14 days (Canada) at roadside inspections on the driver display. This ensures that the driver can present required logs even in areas of limited cell coverage.

Drivers are able to record their time spent in the following ways:

  • Mass relay functionality: Available for DHOC, allowing the CMV driver to record hours according to normal HOS regulations, while other drivers can log in and record time as on-duty while cushioning on the same vehicle.
  • Relay: When a relay situation is needed, the driver of a non-CMV can log into the device and record hours as on-duty, while travelers in the same vehicle can log in and record time as either on- or off-duty. This ensures drivers get 8 hours consecutive off-duty upon arrival at the destination.
  • Saucon Driver Log Mobile App: Can be used to enter on-duty time spent in DHOC or relay.
  • My Driver Log Website: A secure website where drivers can enter on-duty time spent in DHOC or relay.

In all cases, any on-duty time recorded will be added to the driver's logbook, so the driver has an accurate Record of Duty status upon entering a vehicle to start the trip.

To enhance safety and security, the system also generates a Driver Performance Report that tracks key driver performance metrics including:

  • Vehicle run time
  • Engine idle time
  • GPS speeding score
  • Posted speeding score
  • Hard stop score
  • HOS violations score
  • On-time score (scheduled versus actual)

Driver-Vehicle Inspection Report (DVIR)


Inspection reporting, simplified. The Saucon TDS solution provides extensive functionality to help operations achieve superior fleet reliability and control of engine maintenance costs through Driver Vehicle Inspection Reporting (DVIR) and processing. The DVIR process focuses on the operational and physical aspects of the vehicles. Drivers can complete a DVIR both pre-trip and post-trip as needed. The system offers flexibility in how the information is entered and then processed through the system.

Features and benefits:

  • Automatic work order creation and tracking
  • Idle time monitoring and reporting
  • Engine diagnostics
  • Direct SQE J1939, J1708 and OBD II engine telemetry
  • Parts inventory tracking and management
  • Inventory monitoring and cost tracking
  • Service record reporting and management
  • Configurable DVIR form and service order definitions

Fleet Performance


Get a three-dimensional, detailed breakdown of driver activity. When buses arrive or depart from defined geo-zones, the system records the arrival or departure as an event identifying the specific date, time and longitude/latitude of where this occurred. The defined geo-zones are utilized for schedules, predictive arrivals and stop performance reporting.

The on-time performance report provides a complete breakdown of early, late, on-time and even missed stops. The system also provides functionality that can determine when a vehicle is actually off the dispatched route. These off-route alerts are triggered and displayed on the alert log, the TDS Monitors screen, the Saucon TDS map and optionally on the driver display. This gives the ability to review any off-route notifications and take appropriate action when needed.

Onboard WiFi


Offering your passengers complimentary online connectivity while traveling is no longer a "nice to have" feature but an expected value-added service. Our onboard WiFi system provides secure and dependable internet access for passengers with a cost-effective and easy to manage WiFi solution. Your passengers will enjoy general internet usage at broadband speed from the comfort of their seats.

Features and benefits:
  • Secure accessibility including acceptable-use policy splash page
  • High-speed WiFi router allowing 120 concurrent sessions
  • Content filtering to avoid excessive video streaming or malicious access
  • Remote system monitoring of both inbound and outbound WiFi data traffic
  • Simple installation for both stand-alone or portable configurations
  • Single power connection and dual cellular antennas for optimum connectivity
  • Ability to temporarily disable unit when not needed by either driver or admin
  • Seamless integration with Saucon TDS

Additional customizable options are available for various system carriers.

Customized Apps


We work directly with our clients to provide systems and solutions that help them become operationally efficient through bleeding-edge technology. Developing bespoke apps to enable them greater operational efficiencies has become a vibrant and successful facet of our business offering. Our software developers and subject matter experts understand the unique needs of our industry, offering you the business capabilities to get the most out of today’s smartphone technologies.

A quick search for the word "Saucon" in either Google Play or the Apple App Store will reveal the numerous customized app solutions we have developed.