Vision AI

Unmatched Smart Data Capture for Safer Transportation
Saucon’s Vision AI solution represents a significant advancement in driver safety through its integration of Smart Data Collection (SDC), computer vision tools, and a powerful onboard processor.
Saucon’s Vision AI continuously monitors driving conditions in real-time. It uses onboard cameras to detect critical events. Upon detecting these events, the use of a high-performance onboard processor enables rapid processing of data and real-time decision-making by providing instant feedback to drivers. This feedback could include visual alerts, and auditory warnings to allow for corrective actions.

Saucon Vision AI Feature List will include:

  • Driver steering wheel recognition
  • Seat belt detection seat belt is detected when engine speed > 0
  • Inattentive driving/driver fatigue
  • Tailgating – harsh brake + speeding, the distance of an object in front
  • Rolling stops – engine speed = 0 for 3 seconds
  • Speeding – speed limit detection + excessive speed setting in company management
  • Traffic light detection – detect red light and engine speed of = 0
  • Driver distraction – mobile phone usage, smoking detection, and eating detection – individual models
  • Railroad crossings – engine speed= 0 for 7 seconds (enough time for the door to open)
  • Passenger Counting – verifiable for 95% or higher accuracy

Saucon’s Vision AI solution combines cutting-edge technology with a robust data strategy to revolutionize driver safety.

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If you would like to learn more on how Saucon can help with video based safety monitoring please click the button below