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IoT Telematics

Technology to keep you connected

Woven into our DNA is the creative passion and technical know-how to leverage the Internet of Things (IoT) for the operational benefit of our clients. To this end, we continuously explore strategic opportunities that improve operations through the use of IoT Technology. Our ability to develop solutions that allow our clients to monitor, update, and make changes remotely creates increased operating efficiencies that have a significant impact on ROI.

Our innovations in connected diagnostics provide laser-focused insights into vehicle health, enabling our clients to make time-critical decisions that avoid unnecessary expenses and keep vehicles on the road. When fault codes are generated, they are automatically transmitted, analyzed, and relayed in an easy-to-understand summary report. Clients can take action to avoid progressive damage and reduce expensive equipment recovery charges.

We continue to expand our IoT capabilities to include capturing data through RP1210 and Modbus communication protocols. With RP1012 we can create a secure remote session and provide over-the-air tools including the ability to update control systems and perform remote regen system capabilities. With Modbus, we are able to monitor generators in various applications such as off-road, mining, rv, or outside building generators. By harnessing the ability to communicate through these protocols, Saucon is able to remotely capture, organize, and store actionable data so users can make informed decisions for a number of telematic applications.

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If you would like to learn more or have questions on how we deliver IoT Telematics solutions please click the button below